Author Archives: jennaadmin

Why Your Posture Matters

What is poor posture? Poor posture is a condition in which a person holds their body in an unnatural position or alignment, such as slouching or hunching over. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including sitting for long periods of time, carrying heavy bags on one shoulder, or using improper lifting techniques. […]

Hip Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

What is hip pain? Hip pain refers to discomfort or pain felt in or around the hip joint, which is the largest joint in the body. The hip joint connects the thigh bone, or femur, to the pelvis and allows for a wide range of motion; such as walking, running, and jumping. Hip pain can […]

Everything You Need to Know About Graston Therapy

  Graston Method Physical Therapy is a manual therapy that helps in pain relief and muscle relaxation. It is a type of deep tissue massage that uses stainless steel instruments to penetrate the skin and muscle tissue. The Graston Technique, which was developed by Dr. David Graston and Gary Brace, is used in treating chronic […]

Why You Should Care About Your Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor is the band of muscles that make up the hammock that supports all your abdominal organs. If you think of the trunk as a soda can, the diaphragm is the top of the can, and the pelvic floor is the base. The pelvic floor needs to be flexible to allow things to […]

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